Friday, October 26, 2007
1980-Thundarr The Barbarian
The year: 1994. From out of space comes a runaway planet, hurtling between the Earth and the Moon, unleashing cosmic destruction! Man's civilization is cast in ruin!
Two thousand years later, Earth is reborn...A strange new world rises from the old: a world of savagery...super science, and sorcery. But one man bursts his bonds to fight for justice! With his companions Ookla the Mok and Princess Ariel, he pits his strength, his courage, and his fabulous Sunsword against the forces of evil.
He is Thundarr, the Barbarian!
The characters on this show were created by the same guy that created Space Ghost in the 60s. Thundarr the Barbarian was set in 3994 where earth is a post-apocalyptic wasteland where it is ruled by the 7 Citadels of Sorcery, a group of evil sorcerers who use a combination of magic and highly advanced technology to rule over the hapless populace.
Friday, October 19, 2007
1974-Korg: 70,000 B.C.
This was a Hanna-Barbera live action show that aired on Saturday mornings in 1974 and 75.
I have not been able to find much information on this series, it is omitted from one of my reference books and there is no Wikipedia entry.
This was a serious attempt to depict the struggle for survival of a Neanderthal family, "based on assumptions and theories drawn from artifacts." The American Museum of Natural History in New York and the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History both were consultants on this show.
Not sure if this could get produced as kid's TV in today's political climate.
Records differ on the number of episodes aired, IMDB says 16 episodes, my book says 24.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
1979-Hello, Larry
This was one of a string of attempts to establish a successful McLean Stevenson series for NBC and undoubtedly the best, which is not saying much. Although a talented actor, as we could see in M*A*S*H, his roles after Hello, Larry were relegated to that of the TV guest star.
Larry Adler was recently divorced and now a single parent of two teenage daughters. He moves from LA to Portland where he has a radio talk show and early episodes centered around his radio show and his on-air smart remarks to callers. Later, the show became more like other sitcoms and focused more around his home life raising his daughters and dealing with his apartment neighbors.
Notable probably only for it's very early use of the TV crossover, where it was presented that Hello, Larry and Diff'rent Strokes existed in the same TV sitcom universe, a technique used commonly today.
Beginning as a mid-season replacement in 1979, a total of 33 episodes aired.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
1977-James At 15
This was a late entry to the 'relevance era' of television. James at 15 was an honest attempt to portray real-life 1970s issues as they related to fifteen year old James Hunter of the title.
Played by ubiquitous 70s everyteen Lance Kerwin, James and his family had just moved to Boston and had to deal with everyday life. This show laid it on thick. Teenage alcoholism, VD (what we called STIs back then), teens dying of cancer, teenage sex, cults, this show tried to tackle everything. James lost his virginity in the controversial tenth episode after which the show was renamed James At 16.
Initially a two-hour TV movie, 20 additional episodes aired.
1984-V the Series
V the series was a follow-up to two highly successful miniseries that came before it.
I still remember the first one, in 1983 it was a television event, scoring high in the tv ratings at the time. Remember, this was before the home video revolution really took off, cable was only starting to become popular, and the movie blockbuster phenomenon had only started about 7 years prior. Seeing big theatrical movies debut for free on broadcast television was still a big deal. Now TV producers were getting in on the act producing high quality original movies to premiere on broadcast television. Roots, Shogun, The Winds of War. V.
The overall story is an allegory for fascism/Nazism. I mean, down to the Visitor emblem worn on all their uniforms. Some elements of this remained in the series, but were overshadowed by the sci-fi action themes present in most episodes.
Each episode would open with retired newscaster Howard K. Smith reading reports of resistance against the Visitors around the globe. Nineteen episodes were made before cancellation.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
1976-Monster Squad
Thumbing through my reference books, I came across this one. Admittedly I never saw this or independently remember it. And of course, it has nothing to do with the 1987 movie of the same name.
Fred Grandy starred as Walt, a criminology student working as a night watchman at a wax museum. He invented a 'crime computer' and it's 'oscillating vibrations' brought to life the wax statues of Dracula, Frankenstein and the Wolfman. Hoping to make up for their past misdeeds, they team up with Walt to fight crime independently of the police. The tone of the show was like the 60s Batman series.
I can't find any information on how long the series ran and it is even omitted from what I thought was my definitive reference book.
Friday, October 5, 2007
1977-Amazing Spider-Man
Ah, yes. My favorite show at the time, well, this or Wonder Woman.
This show gets props for being the first live-action attempt at Spider-Man (Electric Company skits not included) and was part of a late 70s superhero tv fad.
Although it seemed to be a halfway decent attempt at the character, it quickly became a typical 70s tv show. Most characters from the comics were never used and key story points were changed. No super-villians ever showed up and Peter was stuck fighting 70s crime.
Stan Lee is reported to have not liked this adaptation, which did not help it's public perception.
Only 12 episodes were produced and several were doubled up and syndicated as tv movies for years.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
1974-Partridge Family 2200 AD
In the mid 70s there was a trend of making animated kid's versions of popular existing entertainment properties. This was done with varying degrees of success with Star Trek, My Favorite Martian, Addam's Family, Gilligan's Island and others.
Originally imagined to be an update of The Jetsons, CBS said to Joe Barbera, 'make it the Partridges and you've got the 9:30am time slot.'
Sixteen episodes aired on CBS on Saturday mornings in 1974 and 1975.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
1974-Planet of the Apes
Because five movies were not enough.
This was essentially a re-imagining of the original movie, continued as a series. It doesn't really fit into the continuity of the films; although vague references are made to astronauts that visited '10 years ago.' The humans in this version speak, unlike the films.
The series ran from September 13, 1974 to December 20, 1974; although fourteen episodes were produced, only 13 were originally aired; the 14th previously unseen "lost" episode was included in the DVD which was actually released.
I could not find the actual opening, the clip is a video tribute to the series.
1976-Gemini Man
Hello, I'm Ben Murphy and I'm Seventies Man! Back when digital watches were new and mysterious! And people wore two tone denim jackets!
Gemini Man starred Ben Murphy as secret agent Sam Casey who was injured in a diving accident which rendered him invisible. If you can suspend disbelief for that will have no problem with the rest of this series. He worked for a secret agency called INTERSECT (must be the same agency Chuck works for...or is that INTERACT?)
They stabilize his DNA to make him visible with a digital watch; if he turns off the stabilizer to be invisible more than 15 seconds a day, he'll remain invisible forever or die or was lame. Gemini Man lasted 11 episodes, 2 of which were edited into TV movies and shown in syndication. One was shown on Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Monday, October 1, 2007
1980-Here's Boomer
With two successful Benji movies already released, and a third headed to theaters that year, Here's Boomer was NBC's answer to Benji and 7 pm family programming. A mixed breed stray who had no owner and met new people each week, he never stayed long but usually managed to help someone before moving on.
Play the embarrassingly bad opening theme song above. (What's with the image quality on this one, are people pointing video cameras at the TV?)
Here's Boomer aired 24 episodes spread out just over three years.