Wednesday, March 29, 2017

1983-HBO Movie Intro

When watching an uncut theatrical film on TV was an event. I never had HBO at home, (or cable except for a few months in 1985) but when this came on at a friend's house or at a motel you knew something special was about to follow.
This is still one of the best, if not the best music ever composed for a TV bumper segment. Now it can be played in stereo over good headphones and sound even better.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Forgotten TV ep 2-TV Theme Hits and Misses

Brief history of TV themes discussed

1970-The Partridge Family
"When We're Singin'"
Performed by Shirley Jones, David Cassidy, John Bahler, Tom Bähler, Jackie Ward, and Ron Hicklin.
Instrumentals by The Wrecking Crew
The Wrecking Crew on Amazon

1969-1974-Love, American Style
"Love, American Style"
Performed by The Cowsills

1974-Movin' On
"Movin' On"
Performed by Merle Haggard
No. 1 Hot Country singles 1975

1979-B.J. and the Bear 
"B.J. and the Bear"
Written by Glen Larson
Performed by Greg Evigan

"Different Worlds" 
Performed by Maureen McGovern
No. 18 in 1979

1979-Makin' It
"Makin' It" 
Performed by David Naughton
No. 5 in 1979

1982-Joanie Loves Chachi 
"You Look at Me"
Performed by Scott Baio and Erin Moran

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Forgotten TV ep 1-The Popcorn Kid

The 1987 CBS sitcom The Popcorn Kid is discussed in this inaugural episode.

The Popcorn Kid aired in March and April 1987 starring Bruce Norris, Penelope Ann Miller
and Faith Ford.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Scanimate! Source of nifty TV graphics

Have you ever wondered how they made those nifty animated TV graphics in the 70s/80s before computer animation? Here's your answer. Scanimate.
All done on a CRT monitor directly filmed or videotaped with camera kinescope style. The image on screen was distorted by one or more technicians until satisfied with the effect. Unless careful notes were kept, the same effect/coloring could not be produced again.