Sunday, April 30, 2017

Forgotten TV ep 5-The Super 70s Part 2

1970s live-action incarnations of Spider-Man are considered.
1977 Spider-Man CBS TV movie
1978 Spider-Man CBS TV series
1978 Japanese Spider-Man or Supaidâman
TV themes clipped
1967 Spider-Man ABC animated series
1977 Spider-Man CBS TV movie
1978 Spider-Man CBS TV series
1978 Japanese Spider-Man or Supaidâman
1970s Mego Hulk and Spiderman Commercial
1978 Remco Spiderman Toy Commercial
1979 Mego Superheroes Contest Commercial
Isis Weekly Moral
Fan-made trailer for Incredible Hulk TV movie
Corrections: ABC animated series was 1967, not 1966 as stated. Johnny Sokko is seen Sunday nights on Comet, not Me-TV as stated.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Forgotten TV ep 4-The Super 70s Part 1

Live action superhero TV shows of the 1970s are examined.
1974 Shazam! CBS Saturday morning series
1975 Isis CBS Saturday morning series
1974 Wonder Woman ABC TV movie
1975 Wonder Woman ABC/CBS TV series
1975 Star Trek Mego commercial
1977 Wonder Woman Mego commercial
1970s trailer for Spider-Man VHS release
Special thanks to Mark Jeacoma

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Forgotten TV ep 3-This Weekend In 1977

1977 TV themes clipped 
The Rockford Files 
The Jeffersons 
Six Million Dollar Man 
Wonder Woman 
Starsky and Hutch 
1970s CBS Special Presentation 

Friday night 
Nashville 99; CBS 
Code-R; CBS 
Hunter; CBS 

Saturday night 
Blansky's Beauties; ABC 
Fish; ABC 
Most Wanted; ABC 

Sunday night 
Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries; ABC 
Switch; CBS 
Delvecchio; CBS 

1977 RCA Selectavision VCR Commercial 
1977 Tonight Show clip w/Don Rickles

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Interview on Blissville Podcast

I just guested on a Twilight Zone podcast and record Walnut Grovecast this week. I'm currently working on a new Forgotten TV podcast on "This Weekend in 1977." 
Until then, enjoy this interview of me on David Lawler's Blissville podcast, in which we discuss TV memories, fanzines, digital broadcast TV, TV show music rights, TV theme songs, and more.

Misadventures in Blissville
Videoholic Ultimate YouTube channel