Sunday, April 30, 2017

Forgotten TV ep 5-The Super 70s Part 2

1970s live-action incarnations of Spider-Man are considered.
1977 Spider-Man CBS TV movie
1978 Spider-Man CBS TV series
1978 Japanese Spider-Man or Supaidâman
TV themes clipped
1967 Spider-Man ABC animated series
1977 Spider-Man CBS TV movie
1978 Spider-Man CBS TV series
1978 Japanese Spider-Man or Supaidâman
1970s Mego Hulk and Spiderman Commercial
1978 Remco Spiderman Toy Commercial
1979 Mego Superheroes Contest Commercial
Isis Weekly Moral
Fan-made trailer for Incredible Hulk TV movie
Corrections: ABC animated series was 1967, not 1966 as stated. Johnny Sokko is seen Sunday nights on Comet, not Me-TV as stated.

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