Sunday, May 7, 2017


Quark was a sci-fi spoof created by Buck Henry, who previously had brought us TV comedies Captain Nice and Get Smart. 
The pilot aired May 7, 1977 (pre-dating Star Wars by 18 days.) It was picked up as a mid-season replacement in early 1978.

Richard Benjamin was Adam Quark, captain of a United Galaxy Sanitation Patrol Cruiser (a garbage scow.) Ship's engineer Gene/Jean (Tim Thomerson in an early role) is a "transmute", a humanoid being with a complete set of both male and female chromosomes. Other roles were: logical science officer Ficus Pandorata played by Richard Kelton, Betty I and Betty II (which one is the clone?) played by Cyb and Patricia Barnstable, and Conrad Janis as Otto Bob Palindrome, commander of the space station Perma One, which the ship answered to.

Mainly inspired by the original Star Trek series (complete with numerous recycled Trek sound effects), the show also later spoofed Star Wars, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Lost in Space, and Flash Gordon. Several elements seemed later recycled in comedies like Spaceballs and Third Rock From The Sun. Even though it was basically a sitcom with a laugh track, many of the effects were not bad and were completely on par with other late 70s TV shows.

Quark lasted seven episodes (eight if you count the pilot), was released on DVD in 2008 and is now out of print but available from a number of resellers online.

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