Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Forgotten TV ep 21-Its Time For Time Travel

Your Forgotten TV host travels through the 1970s and examines the TV movies Time Travelers (1976) The Time Machine (1978) and TV series Time Express (1979.)
movie/TV themes/clips used
-CBS radio program Escape!-The Time Machine 1948
-Captain Z-Ro 1951
-Peabody's Improbable History 1959
-The Time Tunnel TV promos 1966
-Time Travelers 1976 ABC TV movie
-The Time Machine 1971 TV spot
-Time Rider 1983 TV spot
-DeLorean TV Commercial Original 1980's TV spot
-The Time Machine 1978 NBC TV movie
-Time After Time 1979 TV spot
-The Philadelphia Experiment TV spot 1984
-Pepsi "Time-Travel" Commercial 1986
-Time Express 1979 NBC TV series
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