Monday, December 31, 2018

Forgotten TV ep 26-Man From Atlantis

The 1977-78 NBC TV movies and series Man From Atlantis is considered. 
Due to length, segment times are included for your convenience.
0-45:33 Intro/The Movies
45:33 The Series
1:18:05 Behind the Scenes
1:44:45 Memorial/Next Time Segments
TV themes/clips
Atlantis by Audionautix
Man From Atlantis theme
Star Wars 1977 TV spot
Radio Shack Realistic 77 TV commercial
1977 Sony Betamax VCR commercial
1976 Patrick Duffy Taco Bell commercial

Man From Atlantis: Complete Television Series DVD

Sources of quotes and background information
The music 'Atlantis' by Audionautix used is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Podcast published at

Man From Atlantis: The Complete TV Movies DVD 

Man From Atlantis: Complete Television Series DVD

Amazon links are affiliate.


  1. Can't wait to listen! And good timing, with Aquaman making a splash at the box office! Happy 2019!

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