Saturday, August 1, 2020

Forgotten TV ep 36-An Overview of Black TV History 1939-1980

From the early representations in experimental broadcasts to the contributions of the Dumont Network; to the thin appearances on 1950s TV; to the integration and beginnings of equality in the 1960s; to the sometimes controversial sitcoms of the 1970s; and the foundation of BET in 1980, this podcast presents an overview of Black TV history.

0-1:09:40 Background/1939-1959
1:09:40-1:47:05 1960s
1:47:05-end 1970s and conclusion



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 Primetime Blues by Donald Bogle

Encyclopedia of Television edited by Horace Newcomb
Our Gang: A Racial History of The Little Rascals by Julia Lee

 The music track Astray by Alec Slayne is used under license from Epidemic Sound.

Forgotten TV is not affiliated with or authorized by any production company or TV network involved in the making of any TV show or film mentioned in this podcast.  Amazon links are affiliate.

Copyright 2020 Forgotten TV Media

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