The 1985 ABC series Street Hawk is fully considered. The show starred Rex Smith, Joe Regalbuto, and Jeannie Wilson and was created by Bruce Lansbury, Paul M. Belous, and Robert Wolterstorff.
This podcast is designed to be listened to in three segments. Timecodes:
0-1:03:05 Intro, episode rundown
1:04:52-2:04:12 Behind the Scenes, The Machine
2:04:12-end Troubled Production, The Music, Toys/Merchandise, After Street Hawk
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The Green Hornet: A History of Radio, Motion Pictures, Comics and Television by Martin Grams Jr.
Knight Rider Legacy by Joe Huth IV and Richie F. Levine
Amazon links are affiliate.
Music credits:
Superhero Story 2 by Fredrik Ekstrom is used under license by Epidemic Sound
Synthoid’s cover of The Safety Dance-Follow Synthoid on SoundCloud
Music from Street Hawk Begins, Street Hawk Adventures, and Street Hawk Returns by Giuliano Pilati Is used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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