Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Voyagers! (1982)

An episode-by-episode consideration of NBC's 1982 series Voyagers! starring Jon-Erik Hexum and Meeno Peluce. Series created by James D. Parriott. Followed by a full behind the scenes documentary exploring the origin and production of the series, public and critical reactions, casting, locations, the tragic fate of Jon-Erik Hexum, and the legacy of Voyagers.

0-1:15:32 intro/episode rundown

1:16:45 Behind the Scenes: show creation, critical reception, casting, the Omni

2:15:36 Jerrold Immel composer, Universal backlot

2:33:00 After Voyagers/Meeno Peluce's later roles/Jon-Erik Hexum's fate

2:51:25 Voyagers reruns, VHS movie, DVD. Additional series by James Parriott

3:00:40 Next time/credits

Buy Voyagers! on DVD

Voyagers! links:

Home | Voyagers Guidebook

Voyagers Guidebook : They traveled through time to help history along …

Jeff Pearlman Meeno Peluce Interview

Jeff Pearlman Books

Dark Tube - TV’s Wicked History | Hotmush Media, Inc. (podbean.com)


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