Forgotten TV Supplemental: Gene Roddenberry and Tarzan
New Forgotten TV Supplemental podcast posted to Patreon!“Gene Roddenberry and Tarzan” Additional information on Gene Roddenberry that didn’t make it...
New Forgotten TV Supplemental podcast posted to Patreon!“Gene Roddenberry and Tarzan” Additional information on Gene Roddenberry that didn’t make it...
The history of Gene Roddenberry is covered, as well as his 1973 CBS TV movie and attempted series, Genesis II....
The 1977-78 CBS series/adaptation of Logan’s Run is considered.Due to length, segment times are included for your convenience. 0-31:44 Intro/Pilot31:44...
The 1977-78 NBC TV movies and series Man From Atlantis is considered.Due to length, segment times are included for your...
More 1970s creepy TV monster movies are considered including The Night Strangler, Moon of the Wolf, The Cat Creature, and...
The short-lived CBS M*A*S*H spin-off series AfterMASH is considered, including a brief overview of the origins of M*A*S*H, an episode...
The short lived 1983 NBC show Manimal is discussed. Clips: -NBC 1983 Be There jingle-various NBC promo clips-Manimal theme-Zenith System 3 1983...
The 1988 ABC TV series Probe is considered. Clips: Martin Kane, Private EyeABC 1988 Monday Night Movie themeProbe themeMcDonalds Mac...
Have no fear, the Man Of Bronze is here! Listen to your Forgotten TV host join Todd on the Forgotten...
Your Forgotten TV host examines the history of time travel depictions on television, then travels through the 1970s and examines...
The 1986-87 ABC TV series Starman is thoroughly considered. Clips: -1984 Starman TV spot-Starman movie theme by Jack Nitzsche-Starman TV...
A journey through the Saturday morning TV fad of animated spin-offs in the 1970s. 16 TV shows are considered. Clips:...