The Super 70s: Part 3

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The third in a four-part series examining live action superhero TV shows of the 1970s.
This episode considers the 1977-1982 live action CBS TV series The Incredible Hulk.

1966 Hulk/The Marvel Super Heroes
1978 The Incredible Hulk
Incredible Hulk Colorforms 1970s commercial
Me-TV Incredible Hulk promo
Mego Marvel Comics Elastic Super-Heroes Collection 1970s commercial
1978 Dr. Strange CBS promo
VHS trailer for 1979 Captain America
1970s Mego Hulk and Spiderman Commercial
1978 Remco Spiderman Toy Commercial
1979 Mego Superheroes Contest Commercial
Isis Weekly Moral
Fan-made trailer for Incredible Hulk TV movie

DVD/Blurays available:
The Incredible Hulk: The Complete Series

Special thanks to Mark Jeacoma of VHS Rewind for sourcing audio clips

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