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The 1986-87 ABC TV series Starman is thoroughly considered.


-1984 Starman TV spot
-Starman movie theme by Jack Nitzsche
-Starman TV theme by Dana Kaproff
-various ABC Starman promos/bumpers
-1986 ABC Life with Lucy Promo
-1987 Nestle Crunch commercial w/CB Barnes
-1986 ABC We Belong Together fall promo
-Stranger Things theme

References/fact checking

Todd Andrews
Spotlight Starman International
Science Fiction Television Series 1959-1989 by Mark Phillips and Frank Garcia

Starlog Magazine issues 114, 126, 131

Special thanks to Todd Andrews and Spotlight Starman International

Get Starman-the movie on DVD or Bluray

Get Starman-the Complete Series on DVD

How to get your copy of Starman ‘Extras’ DVD
Patrick Culliton’s website
Patrick Culliton’s book Houdini-The Key
Get Lucan on DVD

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1 thought on “Starman (1986)

  1. 2018 Starman Family-Con will be held at the Aloft El Segundo LAX on October 12-14. 2018
    For more info check out our Facebook page Spotlight Starman International or

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