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A complete look at Korg 70,000 B.C. airing on ABC’s 1974-75 Saturday morning lineup. Produced by Hanna-Barbera. Starring Jim Malinda, Bill Ewing, Naomi Pollock, Christopher Man, Charles Morteo, and Janelle Pransky. Created by Fred Freiberger.

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Timeless Expanse by Dreamstate Logic is used under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Creative Commons License.

Original audio clips included are for the purposes of historical context, review, commentary, and criticism only and are not intended to infringe. Some music used under license from Epidemic Sound. If you need music for your

Forgotten TV is not affiliated with or authorized by any production company or TV network involved in the making of any TV show or film mentioned.  Korg 70,000 B.C. is the copyright and property of Hanna-Barbera, Warner Bros., and possibly additional rights holders.

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