The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries (1977)

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The introduction of the Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew characters in 1927/1930 is considered, as well as the Nancy Drew 1938/39 Warner Brothers films; the Hardy Boys Mickey Mouse Club serials; 1957 Nancy Drew CBS pilot; 1967 Hardy Boys NBC pilot; 1969 Hardy Boys animated ABC series; and especially The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries 1977-79 ABC series.

The behind-the-scenes segment covers the origin, production, scheduling, merchandising, recasting of the Nancy Drew role, infamous Playboy appearance, show cancellation, and issues with music clearances.

Timecodes (chapters supported on some podcast players):

2:30 The Stratemeyer Syndicate: Origins of the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew
20:00 Nancy Drew, Detective Warner Bros. 1937-38 films
24:32 The Hardy Boys 1956-57 Mickey Mouse Club serials
34:16 The Hardy Boys books get a makeover
40:10 The Mystery of the Chinese Junk 1967 NBC pilot
41:54 The Hardy Boys 1969 animated ABC series
49:24 Arlene Sidaris and Joyce Brotman concieve a new TV version
54:15 The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries 1977 ABC series
1:33:10 Behind the Scenes
2:16:04 Post Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries
2:37:45 Coming soon/credits

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Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod used under a Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License.

Original audio clips included are for the purposes of historical context, review, commentary, and criticism only and are not intended to infringe. Some music used under license from Epidemic Sound. If you need music for your podcast or YouTube channel, please visit Epidemic Sound

Forgotten TV is not affiliated with or authorized by any production company or TV network involved in the making of any TV show or film mentioned. The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew are the property of Simon & Schuster.

Copyright 2024 Forgotten TV Media

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